Healthy Living: April 2022

This month I focused on running in the open air. Running in the open air has helped me with goal setting while running to help me get through each time I run because I tend to set myself landmarks to run to and pass in order to keep going. I have also been working on congratulating myself for making it a certain distance whenever I pass certain landmarks. This has really helped with my mindset while running as instead of seeing it as another landmark to check off and still having a long way to go, I can now see it as a place that I can be happy about, which makes me want to keep running and push myself further. The furthest I made it was about 6km in about an hour. At this rate, running 10km should take me approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. I still find myself stopping a lot more on the path than when I was on the treadmill, and am now focusing on passing places where I would normally take a rest and make myself run as much as I can from those sites in order to minimise the number of rests I take while running.

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