What Are The Best Tips For Studying?

Oh, studying. We’ve all been there, all done that.

Whether it’s cramming for an important exam the night before, color-coding your notes and making flashcards, spending a considerable amount of time on a procrastination website, or maybe just getting lazy and looking up “how to study”, we all know the scary feeling when you walk into an exam, before you’ve even been given the paper, and a frightening thought crosses your mind:

Did I study enough? 

But this time around, there’s no need to worry. I have a couple tips on how to help you study.

*(Disclaimer: My tips may or may not help you. Everyone has different study methods.)*

Creating flashcards never worked for me. Maybe because I was reluctant to waste time making them. They may work for you, if you want to try them. It all depends on the exam you’re doing.

I’m doing tips for three different exam types:

  1. memorization (having to memorize important dates, facts, algorithms, etc., etc.
  2. essays (for english, history or otherwise)
  3. exams in another language (Spanish, French, Chinese, etc., etc.)

MY FIRST TIP (memorization): I learned this a while back. It’s called LSCWC. Look, say, cover, write, check. Back when I used to have spelling tests, this tip helped me a lot. It also helps when revising or trying to learn Spanish or French vocabulary (maybe not Chinese, because of the characters, but it’s up to you.).

MY SECOND TIP (essays): Write a practice essay. I know, it might be shorter to just make flashcards, but trust me, this works. It helps you find a style of writing you may stick to on the real thing, and it helps you to familiarize yourself with your topic.

MY LAST TIP (exams in another language): Languages can be tough, I know. But think about which aspect is the toughest for you. Is it grammar? Spelling? Reading? Writing? Speaking? Practice that.

So, those are my tips. <3