Careers Week ’20

On the 19th of February, we had a session with an alumni member regarding a potential career path for us. They told us what they did for a living, both financially and in terms of fulfillment.  I spoke to a filmmaker and professor at one of my dream colleges (USC, my “stretch school”), Ms. Sheila Sofian. Seeing as filmmaking is what I want to do, I asked a lot (read: most) of the questions regarding this.

She actually gave me some really good advice on taking on one project at a time (as I’m notorious for double, sometimes even triple projects at a time) and she taught us about her ideal form of animation (not something I see myself doing, but it was interesting to learn about it), which was painting on glass animation. It was very interesting to learn how she got her start and established herself not only as a professor, but as a serious filmmaker. She spent a year in Italy (something I might be interested in, in terms of abroad filming) with a grant for her student film in her senior year of college. Her film was supposed to be one of three, but she ended up finishing it years later and compiling two of the three films into a documentary.