I signed up for the Vietnam Tech conference this weekend. They have just shared the recordings of the webinars. Here are the ones that I think might be of some value to us. I am not sharing widely because I don’t want to bombard people, but feel free to forward to people as you see fit….Continue Reading Webinars worth a listen
Year: 2020
Episode Sixteen – Our Remote Lives
With thanks to the Gr10, 11 and 12 students for taking part in this podcast at this difficult times. To all our UWCSEA community #staysafe…Continue Reading Episode Sixteen – Our Remote Lives
Episode Thirteen: Coronavirus – Don’t Feed The Fear
Shownotes: Asian Teens Are Addressing Coronavirus Racism On TikTok Xenophobia ‘is a pre-existing condition’. How Harmful Stereotypes and Racism are Spreading Around the Coronavirus As Coronavirus Spreads, So Does Anti-Chinese Sentiments ‘Made in China’: how Wuhan coronavirus spread anti-Chinese racism like a disease through Asia…Continue Reading Episode Thirteen: Coronavirus – Don’t Feed The Fear