Improving Skills


Seeing as this is the Year of Green (#GenerationGreta), this perfectly sums up where I am at the moment. I was an ungerminated seed, waiting for the right conditions and environment to thrive in. Now, being given these opportunities for growth has given me skills I didn’t even know I needed. I am absorbing new things, and with it, the time to process.

I seem to have the most improvement in my kinesthetic skills as a result of taking part in CultuRama. CultuRama has allowed me to be in tune with my body, to let loose from all that binds me *cough, cough, the IB*. It is an exhilarating experience being part of an event that the school takes pride in.  IFP is enriching in the sense that we really get to the -root- of conflict and how we may be able to collaborate with others. My local service, Empowering through Music with the Down Syndrome Association, has given me an avenue to be involved with the Singaporean community. Lastly, swimming, the one true love I brought from home, continues to excite me and make me feel alive. CAS is so much more than a requirement, it is an exploration into oneself.


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