Initiative for Peace: Final Reflection

By the end of this activity, we had gone into lockdown and it was a very confusing time, as we all know. We did not know how we were going to enable change if the conference, which we spend all year building up towards, was cancelled. Honestly, I would rather write about how I truly felt being part of an experience where I got to learn more about others and myself. I was able to apply many of these lessons to the independent IFP Cambodia that my friends and I had organized and facilitated. I am extremely grateful for that experience and I acknowledge that not everyone has had the privilege of doing so. I think if I were given the experience to undertake this service again, I would have stuck less to the people that I knew well and branch out to those who I barely knew. I only had a few moments with these people and I found out that they had valuable insights. This might have led to more connections being made, as well as exposure to more diverse ways of seeing things. The main question  that has emerged as a result of this activity is: “In what ways can I measure or observe the long-term efficacy of IFP?” As much as we can see the testimonies of delegates, I fear that would not be enough or adequate feedback. Having done an actual conference, I am curious to see how the delegates are moving forward.

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