HS Cuban Salsa: Interim Reflection

At this point in time, I don’t think I’m the best salsa dancer there is. And I’m fine with that. What I am proud of, though, is the fact that certain movements come to me like second nature. I no longer fear moving my hips, chest, and shoulders in an exaggerated way. I embrace my reflection in the dance studio’s mirror with the ease of a boxer shadowing her own movements, albeit with a but more grace and flair. I have learned a lot  about my own confidence and that my abilities don’t really coincide with the way I look,  rather, the way I feel at that moment. Similar to physical exercise or even meditation, salsa puts one in a space where it is necessary to be fully aware of how each body part moves within a space, how the limbs move into shapes and angles that require focus. It is exhilarating, and frustrating, especially when you can’t get a move after several repetitions. I believe that this activity has been very successful in making me let go of academic pressures and learning a completely new skill. 

Learning Outcomes: 3,4

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