Response to “Maths and Me” Homework

  1. This may be obvious but I’ve just finished the IGCSE math course.
  2. I associate math with a slight sense of worry, because I have many memories of being confused and stressed around math classes. However, I also associate math with satisfaction from I understanding a new method or finding the solution to a problem alone. I am somewhat nervous about starting the IB math course, because I understand that, in addition to being challenging, I also have 33% less class time to work on it. I have a sister that, despite extensive revision and good results in GCSEs, struggled to get a 5 in IB math. Consequently, I’m somewhat anxious about the course.
  3. I would probably put myself more towards the left of the continuum, on the “I like to work things out for myself” side. I like having things demonstrated to me the first or second time by the teacher, but if I’m still struggling with a concept later on, I prefer to consult the textbook independently.
  4. I would generally consult the relevant chapter from a textbook and follow the basic to complex introduction. On occasion, I use online resources such as khan academy to support myself.
  5. My biggest skill in math is being a critical thinker, because I try to use previous knowledge to answer unfamiliar questions. My biggest area of improvement in math is being persistent, because I often give up when I don’t immediately find the path to the answer.
  6. I sometimes struggle to understand other people’s explanations of problems, so I may just study it myself.
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