Medea – Pause and Reflect ELP post

Examine the ways in which Medea’s case is strengthened by her duologue with Jason.   This duologue is the very first moment the audience is introduced to Jason’s character. As of right now we have only seen Medea’s devastation and… Continue Reading →

Medea ELP Post

How do we decide in our own lives who belongs and who doesn’t? How do cliques operate? I think one of the key factors that play a role in deciding who belongs in our lives is the idea of finding… Continue Reading →

PSE Final Reflection

I have learnt a lo about myself and those around me through this course, but have definitely gotten a deeper understanding of the role that we all as individuals play in society. Through the diversity and inclusion unit the importance… Continue Reading →

If i could save the world, I would….

I think an important course of action that is easier to take is stronger communication. It is important to hear different perspectives in order to be able to identify problems that different people face and it is also necessary to… Continue Reading →

Comparison of viewpoints in these two articles on migration

The Guardian Article The Daily Mail Article Both articles look into the effect the migrant population has on the UK specifically through the lens of the NHS. The article published on ‘The Guardian’ by Nesrine Malik highlights the contributions that… Continue Reading →

Using the Mundane/Everyday to Challenge Stereotypes

Fahmy seeks to challenge the false stereotype that all Muslim women are oppressed and have no say in the manner through which they choose to express themselves. Muslim women are constantly viewed by society as victims of misogyny and male… Continue Reading →

Ethics – Where should Isma’s loyalty lie?

Isma is a character who is quite sure of her identity and the values and beliefs that she chooses to follow. She is a realistic person who makes rational and well thought out decisions rather than acting out on her… Continue Reading →

How does this passage help the reader understand Isma’s identity?

The passage delves deeper into Isma’s thought process and the values and beliefs that she holds most close to her. In the passage Kamila Shamsie uses Isma’s world to highlight how that has played a significant part in shaping her… Continue Reading →

The Racism We Carry

In the text “The Racism We Carry”, Roxanne Gay explores the culture of racism and the manners in which it is commonly present in society. Gay discusses the shocking and openly racist behaviour of Paula Deen in an unsurprised voice…. Continue Reading →

Islamophobia and the Hijab

Initially, my perception of Islamophobia was that it was simply discrimination faced by a minority group. From the discussions in class and the video regarding Islamophobia, it is quite clear that this discrimination towards those of the Muslim faith is… Continue Reading →

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