Little Red Riding Hood – unicef poster analysis

The story of Little Red Riding Hood always showed the wolf as a predator and the young girl as the prey. In some adaptations of the story, the young girl is preyed for a different reason than to eat (for example, Angela Carter’s adaptation).

The slogan “You’re not the only one telling them stories to take them to bed” creates some kind of confusion at first, be3cause we aren’t sure of what the girl is watching on her laptop, but when we continue reading the text, “1 out of 2 cases of pedophilia starts with a deceived child on the internet”, the meaning behind the costumes and the props of the image become evident.

This advert chose to portray the young girl as little red riding hood to show the young girl’s innocence and curiosity, towards whatever she is looking at on her screen. The computer she is looking at is covered with fur and ears to represent the wolf. The “wolf” computer has captured the young girl’s attention as she is smiling at the screen while light is shining on her face.

The image is set in the young girls room. The lighting is dark signifying that it is night time, and her light is off meaning it is probably passed her bed time.

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