The coronavirus has affected the global community as a whole, nation’s economies and stock markets had only been plummeting downwards, job lost and companies trying to stay afloat amid the global pandemic or just a few ways the coronavirus outbreak is affecting the world and the community.

Some family or friends who has been employed in the airline industry has seen job loss or a significant reduction  in annual salaries and bonuses. This is due to many countries quickly closing their borders and disencouraging travel.  Furthermore the mindset of the public has changed, travelling is only done if necessary. As a result, the travel industry especially the airline industry has took a significant hit in revenue, forcing airlines to close flights and cease operations temporary, resulting in job lost or pay cuts for pilots, engineers,  and anyone else working in the company as they try to stay afloat.

The coronavirus outbreak has also impacted me we are forced to stay at home unless going out for essential services by the government. Often my family and I feel trapped in our apartment, going months without taking a step outside going shopping or going to the park. The coronavirus outbreak has also impacted by social and education, as exams and school has been cancelled as governments try to efforce social distancing to stop the spread of the virus.   Overall I feel like this is the biggest impact as I have been preparing and studying for the past 2 years for the this exam. Although I have learnt a lot, a final official IGCSE  exam, will prepare me well mentally for IB and shows areas for improvement in my learning going forward.

In conclusion, the corona virus impacts everyone regardless of race, gender or status. The world as a global community must work together and as a individual we can do our part to stop the spread and hopefully see the end of the Covdi19 global pandemic.