Chinese chat has been a great experience, with me learning to teach as well as improving my Chinese. It was challenging at first, as my student was a bit shy however we manage to get to know each other better and started communicating more. The content that I was teaching him was relatively easy and it was a fantastic chance to revise on easier content that my Chinese teacher may not cover. I also found it frustrating that my co-mentor wasn’t here for some lessons and I realised the importance of planning for situations like that. Contrasting to my co-mentor, I stayed committed throughout the whole process even when somedays I felt that the workload from IB was getting high, I managed my time well in order to not miss a single lesson. Nevertheless, I adapted and changed the lesson plan in order to teach the student myself.


  • Communicate well with my student in spite of the age difference and also collaborate with other mentors when planning sessions. (LO5)
  • Improve my Chinese Level (LO2)
  • Be able to organise each session efficiently and implement the plan. (LO3)
  • Adapt and comprise based on the situation.