service: capturing east

final reflection


Coming to the close of my time in Capturing East, I’ve gained many skills and a new appreciation of my community. With the rise of technology I have been given the chance, like so many around the world, to connect with new people who are not near me, but I feel like sometimes I used to ignore those who are with me and help me on a daily basis, around school or my local community. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own lives, we forget to thank the people who support us everyday. The service has allowed me to gain a new perspective on the school community and get to know members of our community that I hadn’t interacted with before. 

Everyone I met had an amazing backstory, and it was enthralling to sit with them and ask them questions about their lives. My understanding of what it means when so many different cultures and backgrounds come together in one community was enriched and I felt so grateful to be able to be a part of this community – Capturing East really made me cherish the UWC community so much. Here is the Capturing East Website.