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Service Reflection #1: First trip and planning session

I was given the opportunity to visit the Hougang care centre to ask questions regarding the clients. We had to ensure that our plans and activities were suited for their level, as we aim to satisfy the clients and do our best to increase their level of motor skills! I have had many experiences beforehand with such situations, I have taken part in multiple services that work with disabled people. One being SUNDAC and another being all saints. Being someone who believes in equality for all, I joined a service called SUNDAC, we had a similar goal, to increase motor skills. However, in Hougang’s case, we would be doing this whilst swimming. For me, this was no different. I was still giving back to my Singaporean community, and I am still helping a good and similar cause.

So far in this service, we have only got to the planning stages. We have separated into groups of 3 and each of us is planning one session each(for now). This experience taught me to be a better collaborator and critical thinker, mainly critical thinker as we would have to try and find various ways to keep activities safe, interesting and fun. We had the target of having clients return back every week, which would give us an indicator that they are enjoying our activities so far. We have come to many decisions that we had to make and this led to conflicts between our members. One of them is if we should do ball activities in the pool or regular swimming, I then expressed my opinion that we should have ball activities. I based this decision on the fact that our goal was to increase motor skills, and to do so, I felt ball activities would be best as it was what I felt helped me when I was younger. We resolved this conflict by having a vote, and even getting members outside our group to provide input.

The process of planning a session has taught me to be more principled with how I handle decision making, the fact that we had to have a conflict before finding a solution bothered me, and now its instilled in my head that we should be cautious of one another’s views.

LO7 Ethics

  • At what times did I face ethical decisions when participating in this activity?
  • On what did I base my decision making? Why?
  • How did my moral principles affect the decision I made?
  • Was I ever in conflict with another person because our morals were different? How did we resolve this conflict?
  • Have I become more or less principled as a result of my participation in this activity? Why?
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