“Sleep, it turns out, may play a crucial role in our brain’s physiological maintenance.”
What makes this issue challenging/complex is that in our very busy daily lives balancing school, studying activities and sleep can be difficult. People tend to focus on school and studying so sleep can have a lower priority for some. Missing out on some sleep seems like the option that has the least impact however in fact it does.
Interesting questions I considered:
- How much of a priority do you make sleep?
I try to make a priority for sleep and get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep every night. How many hours of sleep do you get?
- What are your sleep habits? When do you usually go to bed? When do you wake up? Do you generally sleep through the night without interruption?
I usually go to bed at 9:30-10:00 and wake up at 7:o0 on non swimming days. I always sleep through the night without interruption.
- Do you ever take naps?
No, I never take naps during the day.
- Do you feel that you get enough sleep? What steps could you take to make sure you get enough sleep every night?
I feel like most of the time I get enough sleep however it’s not every night. I want to make sure not to waste time on my phone or watching TV and just go to sleep after I have finished my homework.
I like how in depth your post was but what I would like to know is whether you would consider a set sleep schedule so you know how much sleep you get and increase or decrease the amount you are sleeping.