Student Portfolio

The Story of My Learning Starts Here

IBe unit – final post


Above the waterline: By looking at me you would be able to tell I am Asian. And if I’m wearing my IB uniform you would be able to make a reasonable guess of my age, because my height is rather misleading (I am very short).

Below the waterline: Just by looking at me you would not be able to realise my passion for art or the fact that I have three younger sisters. You wouldn’t know about how I love dogs, food, and hanging at the beach. You MIGHT not be able to tell that I love exercising, especially playing badminton.

Ideal Personality Types

At the beginning of the year I most aligned with the Speculating Personality (likes to look at the big picture and the possibilities before acting). However, I realised that I also align with the Paying-Attention-to-Detail personality because I feel to be able to work effectively, we need to know the BIG goal, as well as have a solid understanding of what is to be done.

So far this term, this has affected my collaboration within groups by…

  • trying to establish with the WHOLE group what we need to do and what exactly we are working towards so we can ALL do our parts effectively.
  • asking questions to create clarity for everyone


Emotional Intelligence

steps so far to improve emotional intelligence:

  • I know my strengths and weaknesses
  • I give and expect nothing in return
  • I appreciate what I have / trying harder to avoid seeking perfection all the time and let go of mistakes
  • I am curious about people


traits I MOST want to take through IB with me (and maybe encourage others as well?):

  • *don’t let anyone limit the joy in your life
  • know how to say now
  • know how to neutralise toxic people
  • stay curious about people

Self talk

skills of optimism: thought catching, evaluating, reframing, decatastrophising

Since we had this lesson, when I “catch” negative self talk I often turn it into a joke, which helps me put into perspective the situation so that I am able to realise that in the greater scheme of things, it is just ONE minor mishap/mistake/bad moment compared to the better/happier moments.

How will Positive Self Talk help me in the IB program?

  • make sure that



few of my body’s physical responses to stress:

Pumped up stress : shaking/shivering hands/body, feel very cold, can’t stop smiling, can’t stop moving, needing bathroom a lot

More anxious stress : shaking hands, feel very cold or warm, throat dry or feeling of being closed up, thirsty, headache, muscles fall asleep easily


Mental Health

maintaining mental health involves – how we adapt to change, strength and adversity to deal with situations

important protective factors when dealing with stress and adversity?

most often

  • activities, activities, activities
  • family
  • being flexible
  • meditation + mindfulness
  • achievements
  • friends

less often


Now that half term is over…

what are my first thoughts about the experience of IB? Even since IGCSE I was really looking forward to the IB because I was excited to do the subjects I really enjoyed at a level that would let me become further well-versed in the subject. I was really excited to learn and experience things especially because I felt this was “the final leg of the race” of high school before we really become independent adults. However, when IB started we dove right in to the cycle and I would say that I did not have much time to get lost in thinking about what in particular was positive or negative because I was just taking things as I went.

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PSE • October 17, 2019

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