Student Portfolio

The Story of My Learning Starts Here

Culturama – initial reflection one

Auditioning for Culturama was a more nerve-wracking experience than I initially thought it would be. For the first audition I went for, the dance studio was absolutely packed with high school students, and only then I realised how high the expectations were for an event as big as this was going to be. I wanted to do this with my friends, and I started worrying about the situation where we would not get placed in the same dance. Luckily, it did work out and we got accepted into a dance we auditioned for: Germany! 

When I was much younger, I used to take part in a variety of dance like contemporary, hiphop, and even ballet (when I was very young). I didn’t think I was outstandingly skilful, but I loved the fact that I was able to enjoy myself when dancing with others because I cared less about what others thought when I was a kid. I wanted to reignite that enjoyment and carefree attitude or even just push myself to interact with different people. I think that we have a really friendly group and I am looking forward to working with them these next few weeks!

I think we showcase so many amazing talents in this school, and I am always mesmerised whenever I watch a dance performance in particular — so I am really excited to have the chance to try and put myself in the role of those performers that I admire.


Here’s our first rehearsal video.

Google drive link

Here is evidence showing some videos I took when practicing for the auditions over video call with my friend.

Print Friendly, PDF & Email • November 10, 2019

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