Student Portfolio

The Story of My Learning Starts Here

Repair Kopitiam – final // reflection three

End of year reflection.


This last stretch at the end of the year was also quite disappointing for service due to the virus. There were many challenges that we faced, and it was a shame we weren’t able to practice the hands-on aspects — which are really the key part of this service. The email sent out that school was starting the spring break early actually came out during our service session…The main goal was to use the time from the circuit breaker to do more of the “paperwork”: setting up the portfolio, ensuring all our goal setting/SWOT documents were up to date, as well as working on an informative project that the Grade 10’s were supposed to work on. This Grade 10 Environmental Initiative Project is a set of presentations that will tell people about aspects of our services, for example: the sustainable development goals we align with/focus on, the issues in Singapore we focus on, our goals, etc.


It was quite difficult to maintain attendance and involvement in this service because of the remote learning environment. It was a challenge to get into contact with the Grade 9’s, meaning it was hard to keep track of why they would not be in session, which would then affect our efficiency as a group. Due to this I had to take initiative and contact the teacher supervisor, and even some adults directly in the service team. Some of the group members did cooperate quite well, and it was still worth commending the efforts as towards the end of the year they all began to make valuable contributions and make decent progress on the Grade 9 Environmental Initiative Project. 


This is actually why one learning outcome unexpectedly stood out for me: LO7, Ethics. I believed it should always be at the core of what we do but I couldn’t find a way to relate it to the activities I wanted to count for CAS. What I came to conclusion was in RK, one big moment I had to really think about right and wrong was when considering these challenges with communication. There was a chance I would jeopardize the relationship I had with the student by reaching out for help. However I was totally left in the dark. It was not in my character to “tell on them” or do anything of the sort, but I wanted to be held accountable for my attempts to reach out. so I contacted the corresponding teachers. I didn’t want them to think I was antagonising them because especially at this time with the virus, I understand the struggles we are all going through.


This activity is important for me because it is so difficult and it was the first year it was starting up. Leading, communicating, completing my own tasks while also making sure the rest of the group does theirs. There are a lot of responsibilities, which are also time sensitive. I thought it was going to be a straightforward task, but I continually struggle to coordinate with the group I am leading and the remote learning situation is not helping. There are frustrating moments when I am not receiving the level of involvement and feedback I want from the group, but I have learned to continue being patient and persistent. However, I am thankful for the relationships I have fostered with the teacher supervisors and our service partner/teacher. I am frequently amazed by what the group IS able to accomplish in the moments they participate and apply the skills they have learned. I believe that considering I was the only G11 student trying to kickstart this service, I am giving it my best effort even though there are undoubtedly still some loose bricks in its foundation. I am hoping to continue in G12, and perhaps with some returning students. 


LO3 – initiative. planning and initiating.

LO7 – ethics. considering ethical implications of actions.


portfolio progress document:

Grade 9 Projects:

AGM video:

Print Friendly, PDF & Email • January 3, 2021

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