Reflective Conversation

Reflection 1:
The chosen research question explored the global diplomatic power, the United States’, use of relational power to alter their foreign policy towards Israel, and its resultant impacts on the peace processes on the Israel-Palestine conflict. The course of the research reinforced my ability to research and critique a multiplicity of sources, including news articles, podcasts and Global Politics textbooks. I tended to authoritarian sources such as ‘Council of Foreign Relations’ and ‘Al Jazeera’ to establish an accurate conclusion, and objectively evaluate alternative perspectives. The course of the essay further developed my interest in this research topic as it enabled me to explore the historical background of the case, alternative perspectives within and around this issue, and apply my understanding of political concepts in a new area of study. The significance of this case study manifested itself in the international implications of the shift in foreign policy; rendering Arab states liable to Israeli occupation, and American allies, such as Australia, unsure about tending to the legitimacy of its foreign policies or its bilateral relations with the US.

Reflection 2:
The research conducted, guided the alteration of the research question from ‘relational power […] aggravating the conflict’ to ‘relational power influenced […] solutions for peace.’ This was to a greater extent congruous to the ‘basis of US third party involvement’, and further, the contemporaneity of the move prevented the depth and durability of the impacts from being recognised. As per its structure, the essay was kept on a strict tangent, exploring aspects that directly answer the research question, to make the argument more compelling. Establishing a structure, based on the chronological development of the content, provided a clear basis for the research. The emergent conclusion of the essay presented Palestine’s undermined sovereignty to guide its inability to function as an autonomous state. Therefore, any further peace solution would subject Palestine’s rights within a one-state solution. This conclusion was verified through the use of a multiplicity of sources; mainstream, authoritative and of alternative origin.

Reflection 3:
In the summary of the extended essay, the research question explores the shift in United States’ foreign policy and use of relational power to assert dominance, through strategic alliances with Israel, in the Middle East as a means of securing their national interests. The process of drafting the essay, however demanding, was relatively straightforward. Specifically, as I ensured that I started my research early and that my written work reflected my detailed plan; no major structural changes were required subsequent to the first draft. In regards to formulating a research topic, I believe that students should form it around global politics concepts they aspire to explore, instead of deciding the case study first. This would allow for greater scope to contextualise the case study and make relevant links to various concepts and theories. It would further ensure that the student remains interested and able to apply the course content to the essay.

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