How might the context in which Scientific knowledge is presented influence whether it is accepted or rejected?

How might the context in which Scientific knowledge is presented influence whether it is accepted or rejected?

Scientific knowledge and information can be the basis to most in which one’s knowledge and the outlook is perceived on the world and their surroundings. And because the majority of people are so reliant and influenced by science even if the information is true or not, it depends on a persons perspective and background to accept or reject what scientists may tell us to belive. Scientific knowledge plays with reason, which helps give more of a broader understanding to the public. Inductive reasoning may seem to reach the majority as it is stating a fact, giving a reason to why this is true or generalizing it, and finally confirming the theory. As this is a method most useful to state their own observations, inductive reasoning helps influence the acceptance of Scientific knowledge. But there are different types of reasoning. Such as deductive reasoning which a broad generalisation to a specific observation. Giving a theory, its predictions and finally conducting experiments to see if it is true or not. Both methods can be useful when researching Scientific information but both also have their problems to which can lead to the rejection of Scientific knowledge. For example exploration of status can impact this. Such as when Andrew Wakefield, who was a doctor, was struck off the medical register for his discredited research that claimed to find a link between autism and the MMR vaccine. This false researching can heavily influence someone’s perception of Scientific knowledge, which can lead to the impact of manipulated generations after. 

One thought on “How might the context in which Scientific knowledge is presented influence whether it is accepted or rejected?

  1. Some great thinking here! Try and split each item up into a different paragraph, it does feel a little jumbled. Nice example too, maybe it might fit better earlier on to help explain a specific point, rather than waiting until the end.

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