Hi Everyone,

Welcome back to my page! Its been a while since I’ve posted. Read on to have a look at my thinking on some poems that we have been reading in and working on in class lately!
This is another go we had at writing body paragraphs for the poem “Where I come from” by Elizabeth Brewster. It includes some of the basic techniques, however, not up to a good level, for example, numbering the lines, etc. For a detailed analysis to display thinking, reference points are important.
This is the conclusion paragraph for My Father’s Pigs.  It includes the rewording of my thesis strands but I think I could have done better. I also tried very hard to not only summarise the poem but also my whole work before it. This is important as it’s good to leave a long-lasting impression.

This is my first body paragraph. I have included examples to support my topic sentence. I included some techniques such as quotes etc, however, when my partner checked it, based on the feedback I got, I added more stuff to it such as the ending sentences. These points are important as without evidence for example, whatever your claim is, will not be strong. 

Here is the list of poems we analyzed and wrote about if any of yall wanna check them out and have a read! I loved all of them 🙂

  • My Father’s Pigs by Roland Leach
  • Where I Come From by Elizabeth Brewster

Thank you so much for tuning in this time to read my post. Do have a read at the poems and let me know what you guys think?

See you soon again,

Arshiya x