I think that Shakespeare’s work was so insightful that even to this very day, it questions fundamental things about being a human and our lives. His work questioned things in life that we still find challenging to this day! I am really looking forward to learning more about him through this period in HS, especially starting off with his play Macbeth and a quote from it as seen in the title of this post. This quote comes from Act 1, Scene 1.

Looking upon the structure and the wording of the quote, I think that it is a contradictory statement. This is because “Fair” is usually associated with good and “foul” often with evil.

Perhaps this quote indicates that what one may think is fair and justified, the other may think that it is not the right thing to do and may have a view against it. Another way that we can interpret this quote would be that maybe, not everything that we think is correct for us may be the right thing in reality and everything that we think is wrong for us, may actually turn out to be just right.

I think that after reading the full play in more depth I will be able to find more connections from other parts of the narrative which will help me discover more meaning behind this quote and help me see it in a better context with the play.

Do let me know what you know about Shakespeare, what quotes or plays you love by him, or even if you have anything to add to this analysis:)

Thank you and see you soon.