Christina Lau – WF

Christina Lau’s story was very inspirational. I used to think that being disabled was a struggle and changing your lifestyle because of a disability would be hard but Christina Lau said the opposite. She said that her accident has given her new opportunities in life and she also said that most disabled people have a positive mindset and can do most of the things that we can do.

I wasn’t expecting to see the quality of art from someone who paints with their mouth. I learnt that although they are painting with their mouth/feet, their artwork can have the same standards as someone who is painting with their hands.

I think that being disabled would be a big change in one’s lifestyle and I think that it would be very hard to start off with. Christina Lau said that she had had a lot of support from her family which helped her a lot. I think that having a lot of support would make it a lot easier to understand and handle the change.

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2 thoughts on “Christina Lau – WF

  1. I like the opinion here, but you may need to push more. I like the fact you pointed out about what you thought, but there was still too many facts. Remember I was there and I need an angle. I like the fact you said you were surprised and said why, but you need to elaborate more. Talk about how she affected you. Did she change your opinion? personality? how did she change you?

    I really appreciated your final understanding at the end but it isn’t enough. Please give more. Also, you could talk about the audience a little, how did they respond to her? did she interact with them? also are there any questions you didn’t get to ask her? were there anybody else’s opinions that you agreed with?

    1. Before the session, I had always thought that being disabled would be a big challenge and you wouldn’t have as many opportunities as you could if you weren’t disabled. After listening to Christina Lau I now have a different mindset about disabled people.
      I think that the audience replied very well to Christina Lau, more than the other speakers. I think that her talk was very interesting and captivated the audience.

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