Women’s Rights – A Doll’s House

“A woman cannot be herself in the society of the present day, which is an exclusively masculine society, with laws framed by men and with a judicial system that judges feminine conduct from a masculine point of view.”

To what extent are Ibsen’s words still true today? Provide real-life examples in your examples. 350-500 words

I think that Ibsen’s words still represent the world we live in today. Although many countries have laws that try and support women’s rights, there are still people who believe that men are superior to women. In China, for example, women get paid 22% less than men while doing the same amount of work. Women are also expected to take care of their husband and children rather than go to work. However, there are many countries that are trying to give women all their rights. There are also many NGOs that support women’s rights and try to convince governments that women should have equal rights.


It doesn’t make sense for an all male judicial system to create laws and regulations for women. Men don’t understand the woman’s body and what they have to go through in their day to day life. A male passing a law that prevents women from using certain methods of birth control or abortion does not make sense because they don’t know what the women has to go through. They shouldn’t create laws for something that they don’t know much about. I think that women should be able to have an equal say or be able to prevent/allow the laws that affect them.


There are many stereotypes around women for the way they should act and the roles they play in society. In many countries, women are expected to stay at home to cook and take care of their family. Women are not allowed “professional” jobs such as lawyers, doctors etc. Many men believe that they need to take control because women are not able to have a leadership position. These stereotypes have started to disappear in the 21st century but we still have many that are believed. Small things such as men being stronger/faster than women and that men can do more things than women are still believed in many countries and places around the world. This can cause women to feel underappreciated and feel that they have no place in society. It also stops women from doing what they want to do, for example a woman could be passionate about law but their country doesn’t allow them to become a lawyer.

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