First Digital Perspectives Post

For the past two Digital Perspectives lessons, we have been introduced to Digital Perspectives and the important aspects of what we are going to learn and develop in the lesson.

Before I knew all the details about digital perspectives, I thought that we would be just learning design skills and that all we’d have to hand in would be our finished product. Instead, it is actually really important to show the design process and reflect on your mistakes and learning.

This lesson and last lesson we went through two pages logo design tutorials as a class. We learnt techniques for designing logos (including text and icons) on pages, and some of the things we learnt were really surprising and useful. For example, we learnt how to create a border around an icon. It was actually a really complicated and counter-intuitive method but I’m really happy that I know how to now because there has actually been a TON of times when I could have used that.

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