Because I Am service: Head Of Liason

Last week and the week before, my GC Because I Am has been holding elections for leadership positions. Normally, I am not very confident in leadership positions and wouldn’t normally put myself forward to be a leader. However, this year I have been determined to push myself outside my comfort zone, so when I found out I could apply for a leadership position I jumped at the opportunity. I chose to be head of liason, as in the middle school literary magazine, I was in charge of the editing team (though by chance – my teachers asked me to, instead of me volunteering.) This involved communicating closely with teachers and our writers and artists, and I felt that it had given me a little bit of the experience I would need to be Head of Liason in my GC. The candidates had to prepare speeches and then present them in front of the group, so I have a short speech about my experience and my will to learn and develop my skills. Fortunately (or unfortunately- depending on how you look at it) there were no other candidates for head of liason. Having no competition, I was chosen to be in charge. Despite not getting the satisfaction you get from winning something, and the confidence boost you get from being chosen to do something, I was still happy. I am excited about the role I have been given and am ready to learn and improve my leadership skills. I can’t wait to contribute to the GC and to really make a difference. I might need a little bit of help from the people who are in charge of the GC overall, but I am excited to be leading the group.

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