Goals For English Mocks

The first goal that I want to meet is fully understanding the text and being able to showcase that understanding concisely. I want to achieve this goal through firstly analysing a past IB exam text myself and writing down the things I notice in relation to the guiding question. After I have done this, I will look at a response that achieved high marks or look at an analysis of the poem online to check if I understood what the poem is about or if I completely missed the mark.

The second goal that I want to meet is giving my own voice in the essay as suggested by Mrs. Kiersey. I think this would really help in creating a much more interesting essay that an examiner might actually enjoy reading. I think I just need to do more practice in writing essays and the mocks may be a part of that practice.

I feel that both of these goals can be achieved simultaneously by practicing more and trying to craft responses to past IB guiding questions.d I don’t want to be overly optimistic with the amount of practice that I will do. Therefore, I will try to write a response once every two weeks. The first one that I do won’t be under timed conditions but the following ones will be to force myself to think quickly on my feet.

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