Varsity Basketball:

Basketball has particularly been a rough journey for me that had begun at the brink of finishing middle school. Over the past couple of years, I had started playing and enjoying the sport as another hobby or activity that I would enjoy with my friends and family. However, over the course of high school, I developed a serious passion for the game and strengthened my skills and coordination towards making it at an acceptably decent level. As of the 2018-2019 season, I had finally made my first ever varsity basketball team. This was extraordinarily one of the best experiences I have gone through, through the course of high school, being in the A team for basketball allowed me to truly express my self worth and ability on and off the court. Through this experience, I was privileged enough to play my first few overseas games where my team and I had traveled to Bangkok and played against international teams across the entire Asian region. This allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and interact with individuals who shared the same passion as me. Shortly after our first overseas tournament one of the biggest tournaments that I was apart of was the “SEASAC” tournament. This exhilarating tournament had definitely pushed me to my limits, experiencing fear, nervousness, and excitement especially playing in front of a large crowd and group of people. The tournament allowed me to create everlasting relationships with my teammates and coaches as well as allowed me to be a strong self-manager while strengthening my resilience. The entire process definitely was worthwhile and making it to the SEASAC finals was truly one of the best experiences of my high school life.



Varsity Softball:

Making the A team for softball was a worthwhile experience for me and allowed me to take up the challenges and tasks of tackling a new sport. During the last year of grade 12, I had the privilege of making the high school varsity (A) softball team and participated in several different matches and games. Softball was generally a new sport to me unlike basketball or cricket and really understanding the sport was definitely a challenge but was surely worth it in the end. It took me a while to adapt to the sport and understand the ways in which I could mold myself towards presenting my strongest ability however it did come with quite a few rough challenges along the way. Nonetheless, the entire experience and being apart of a new team allowed me to push myself past my comfort zones and allowed myself to tackle new aspects and explore new areas of my life.



For my initial experience in Culturama I found it to be quite an exciting experience. So far we are learning how to implement certain dance moves step by step into a bigger performance. I feel that this is a good learning experience as it allows us even if some of us are not very prominent dancers to go out of our comfort zone and experience new ways of expressing our feelings.

In a couple of lessons, I had done post getting selected through the auditions I am finding it to be quite challenging in some areas especially with the moves that I might have never done or seen before. The pace of how we are learning the dance moves are also very fast so therefore its a struggle for me to keep up only in the allocated time, therefore, I usually tend to take matters in my own hands and practice the moves at home. Culturama was definitely a big experience for me and allowed me to push myself past my comfort zones and tackling a new challenge that was not particularly my strongest suit.

Model United Nations: 

For MUN I have been an advocate member as I have done 3 conferences so far and I have been able to grow as a learner individual and leader in each conference. MUN would be a way to express your creativity by making and creating resolutions and implementing them into speeches which you can perform to various committees.

This year to fulfill my Creativity experience I am taking part in MUN. This is something that I have participated in every year so my first few sessions have been quite familiar. However, this year, as I get more comfortable I have been ranked up to a position that I am relatively new to. As well as this I am taking up CultuRama already. I decided to take part this year as I wanted to step out of my comfort zone. I do not have a lot of experience with regards to dance. However, I got into the USA dance this year and I am very excited to see what comes ahead. Because this is slightly out of my comfort zone, I am very grateful that I got into the show and am glad I can expand my skills even further. Lastly, another commitment that I intend to make in the coming months is to ‘Kahaani’. This is the GC run show in which I took part in last year. Much like Culturama, this is outside my comfort zone but this is something that can develop not only my collaborative skills with my dance group but also my ability to grow and develop a new set of skills. By taking on these challenges I am looking forward to what the Creativity Aspect of CAS brings me.



On the other hand in regards to the Activities aspect, I haven’t yet taken part in an extracurricular in this area. However, I do know that I will be taking part in 3 sports this year. I hope to be able to join the basketball team this year as it is one of my passions and something that I genuinely enjoy. Not only this but I have also been doing it for the past couple of years which allows me to focus on developing what I know already. Not only this but I also look forward to trying out for a newer sport (to me) which is softball. I have been extremely interested since I was originally introduced to the sport in P.E. and am looking forward to taking part. As part of my CAS, I understand that I will also face challenges. Some of the challenges I foresee would be the not just time management and balancing these activities but also being able to set goals within my reach for things that I am newer to. In the case of Softball, I do think that as a sport I am most definitely going to be able to build on my collaboration skills as well as my technical sporting skill.



Lastly, Service. This year for service I am taking part in a Local Service, called Evergreen as well as a GC. Evergreen is a service that I haven’t done before. It is a local service that works with elderly members of the Singaporean community. I learn to interact with them and make them feel included in our society instead of isolated. Even though this is quite specific to just Singapore, I think I see it’s importance within our wider society. In both my GC and local service I face ethical challenges that I have to overcome. Both of these definitely also show commitment as well. In the case of the local service, I think that it also shows my general awareness of not just the people around me but also the reaction and treatment by others in the community. During our first session, I definitely felt uncomfortable to an extent as I was not completely sure of how to attend to a situation like theirs and make them happy. However as time went on, I became more talkative and more social between both my school peers and the elderly members from Evergreen. I look forward to making bigger decisions and applying the issues in GC and Local service to my life and being able to make a solid difference. More specifically I am excited to see, in my local service, the happy faces and comfortable atmosphere that I hope to develop in the coming weeks.

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