“You didn’t make good choices. You had good choices.”

With regards to our recent findings in ‘Little Fires Everywhere’ and relating that to what’s happening in the world now, I’ve learnt that there are many correlations with the messages between this novel and our current-world situation. Firstly, the message about having choices versus making them, I think this really describes the core of inequality and why it so deeply rooted in our society. The truth is, the choices we make now are not just because of the opportunities we were given previously. It also has to do with the events that led before we even knew these opportunities existed. Little Fires Everywhere is a great example of how despite the great efforts to eradicate racism through integration, etc, are clear, it’s the subtle acts of discrimination and discriminative mindset that result in long-term oppression. No one can make complaints for those subtle messages, so they get passed on. Only decades before I was born, racism wasn’t really a concept. People thought that discrimination based on race was normal, so it passed on to future generations. Hence, that message about discrimination being okay was taught to people who didn’t progress with the rest of the world.

People need to acknowledge and be bothered by the fact that inequality DOES exist, and it IS a question about race and skin colour. Just because people are racist in their thoughts but not words doesn’t mean that it poses no threat to someone of colour, because ultimately, our thoughts are what result in actions.

Little fires everywhere – Mrs.Richardson’s note/email Mr.Richardson

Hi Bill,

I have prepared lunch for the kids tomorrow, do remember to be downstairs as soon as possible because I want to talk to you about Isabelle. Her behaviour is getting out of hand.

She decided to create a scene during her orchestra performance in front of the whole crowd. She simply set her violin down and looked at me, with some ridiculous message written on her forehead! All because of some dress I made her wear! I’m sick and tired of her public outbursts, so we need to discuss how we can fix her before she attempts to embarrass us again.

Lexie was never like this.

See you at home,


22nd May

Reflection on video about Shaker Heights:


I think some of the issues revolved around racial differences and how it lead to segregation within the community. People’s race affected their inclusion into the society and where they lived, etc. However, I think the solution lies within that community itself, because once you integrate the minorities into the community, you realise that the inequalities in the first place were unreasonable and had no justification. Additionally, the once-prominent racial differences that seemed so important are now just things that make people unique. I think the responsibility lies within people who choose to be open-minded about these things and promote the integration of racial/cultural minorities within communities, because it’s difficult to convince someone who already has a narrow viewpoint on these type of issues.

To what extent do you agree? Little Fires lesson 1

  1. People are happiest when they follow rules. – 3
  2. Rules are meant to be broken. – 3
  3. Children should only be raised in families that mirror their ethnicity. – 1
  4. The best community is one in which racial and cultural differences are eliminated. – 1
  5. A good mother will not make serious mistakes in raising her children. 1
  6. Women with more financial resources make better mothers. 4
  7. Teens in high school should not be parents. – 4