Reflective Conversation 3

Throughout the extended essay process, I pursued my original area of study but made minor changes to my research question from the original one. This was because I was able to raise interesting questions from my understanding and analysis of the two different subsets explored in this investigation. Also, I was able to understand how the two subsets have similar and different centrality measures each, and which centrality mattered the most. I identified that the medium in which friends/alliances are made matters the most, as it impacts how easy it is to make new connections, thus creating new edges between each other. If this investigation were to be done again, I would have analysed Weighted Degree more to see how it impacts each subset and if it differs from the other centrality measures in the experiment. I predict, that weighted degree would have a higher significance, because it attaches a numerical value to the connection between each node and their relevance as compared to all the other edges in the network. However, this would be difficult to measure, as the relationships and individual has with one another cannot be defined by a numerical weighting.
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