USA Culturama – First Reflection

This year I’ve decided to take part in activities that I love and feel passionate about. Dance is something I have loved since I was a little girl. I stopped dancing six years ago because I wasn’t confident enough and just had something stopping me. I auditioned for the role of a leader of USA culturama dance with my friend last year and happily we were selected as leaders. Being a part of culturama is going to help me develop many of my skills and it’s already been a great experience. The process involved firstly coming up with a dance which tested our creativity. We did two dance styles of hip hop as well as broadway. It took us a few days to finish them but we managed to do it and we were extremely excited about the final product. The next step was selecting our dancers which was personally very difficult for me. Although it was a fun experience , it was quite hard and upsetting to reject some people from our dance. But finally we made the decision and now our dance group consists of sixteen amazing dancers. So far we’ve had three practices and we already  finished teaching our cherorography. Going into this I was had a few concerns about the leadership role. I was quite nervous as I felt that maybe people will not listen to me or I won’t manage to make them listen or follow my directions, etc. I was also very self conscious because I don’t like getting too “bossy”. However, I was relived to see that I actually feel quite confutable in the leadership role.  Everyone seems to be enjoying the rehearsals too, so I would say that so far my culturama experience has been very successful.

Looking back at the first fe stages I can see that some of my strengths have helped me along the way with many things. Creativity while making the dances have helped us finish the dance quite quincy. A big straight of mine is collaboration and it is important during this activity as I am co-leading as well as working with other sixteen people. I listen to other’ ideas and I am not afraid to express my own. We help each other to develop our ideas and motivate each other when one person is struggling with anything. I also think the way I communicate with the dancers is effective because as much fun as we are having, we are also getting things done and the dancers aren’t afraid the ask question and clarify things.

One thing  I am hoping to improve is my self management skills and time management. I can already see that this is difficult for me  as I am not meeting all the declines for different parts that need to be done like songs submission, lighting, costumes,etc. This is not necessary because I don’t have time but I think it’s simply my poor time-management. I definitely want to work on this skill during this activity.

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