It has come to the end of my journey of pursuing Carnatic music during my time in the IBDP. However, this is by no means the end of my journey pursuing Carnatic music, as I am keen to continue practicing and learning this art in university and beyond. If anything, doing this alongside my studies in the IB has shown me how important it is for me to have this outlet of relaxation and self expression.

There were definitely times where I found pursuing this activity challenging – not just in terms of balancing it with my other commitments, but also in terms of how difficult some of the skills were. I feel that I was able to show strong perseverance through these times. The main ways in which I was able to do this would have been through managing my time well to ensure that I had sufficient amounts of time to practice my singing whilst also making ample amount of time for my other commitments. I also learned the importance of asking for support and guidance when I wasn’t sure about something, or required further clarification. For instance, when I found a particular song or pitch hard to attain properly, I would be sure to speak with my teacher and request extra support with regards to achieving these goals to their maximum. These are definitely perseverance skills that I hope to bring with me to future activities and experiences in and out of the classroom.

Overall, this activity was a fantastic opportunity for me to express myself creatively whilst connecting to my cultural heritage, and is something that I cannot wait to continue in the future, especially given all the lessons I have learnt through pursuing it.