here are some new things I am planning to try in my approach to learning.

Here are some new things I am planning to try in my approach to learning.

I am just getting stuff done. Just do it and be done. Usually the way to go would be get a plan, have a list, be structured and go. However everything is pretty structured regardless. I have resources such as the OLP and Google calendar that are already set in that do that.

I also am changing my mindset. Going from one thing to the next. I am working on my transition time. I am also working on focus. Being able to finish one thing and moving on to the next, turning my full attention and focus to the task at hand.

Overall new things that I am planning to try in my approach to learning is to get my stuff done, be clear and be focused.

2 thoughts on “here are some new things I am planning to try in my approach to learning.

  1. I notice that you have really kept going with wanting to complete your goals (getting things done was one of your goals). This is really good and shows your intent. But I am wondering how you can improve on getting things done, for example, what tools you will use to structure your time.
    Also, this is a pretty well-written post, and it is very clear and to-the-point.

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