EE Interim Reflection

Having finished the first draft of my essay, I still feel I need to work on quite a few things before I submit my final work. The two big elements that I need to change is; 1.make the text more analytical from a descriptive one, and 2.sort out the organisation so that each subheading leads to an overall answer to my research question. I, therefore, reckon that the research that I will be doing for filling in the gaps would be more about the theoretical perspectives while keeping in mind the application to the case study. I am slightly concerned that my work being biased since my research question is aiming to assess the impact of a movement,  meaning that I am already intending to find ‘an impact’ whether or not there is one. I will try to avoid this by reading more about the bigger picture as well, not just the sources which talk about the impact of the women’s participation.


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