Rhetorical language

Conventions of personal essays Use of reference Subjective elements–hiding between the facts (are they? or are they just assertive?) Rhetorical language Use of illustrative examples Analogy, metaphor Cultural references, temporal references Use of rebuttals Signposting Structure–how the arguments are structure If it’s a short paragraph, there may be an emphasis on In this engaging and […]

Bang My Car – Original book blurb

He bangs your car and victimises himself. He causes a commotion over melons. He cares for his grandchildren, and teaches them to appreciate ‘doing nothing.’ He is suspicious of his Malay neighbours. He is carefree about life. He has a wise political opinion. Meet the Singaporean uncle, who will take you on a journey through […]

Contextual considerations within ‘What He Wants to Say Which is Right to Say’ in Bang My Car

What contextual (social/cultural/political etc) considerations* does the section you have examined engage with and how? In ‘What He Wants to Say Which is Right to Say,’ concerns of gender inequality is reflected throughout the work. Throughout the work, the main character, an unmarried woman working as an insurance sales is heard expressing her own concerns […]

Wild Geese–New Historical Theory

Quickly review the novel’s context (written 1912, set 1880) and New Historical Theory as a literary critical lens New Historical Theory–how we tell history tells more about ourselves than the history itself. Read the introduction of the novel: what do you learn about the novel’s biographical context that shapes your reading of the novel in […]

What does knowing the play that Bechdel references in Fun Home contribute to our understanding of it?

The Importance of Being Earnest is a play of deception and pretending, by how Jack and Algernon are deceiving their partners because of their obsession to names and not love. The same goes with Fun Home, where one of the reasons Bruce married Helen was to hide his sexuality, and the marriage barely had much […]