Mia’s Reflection

Mia’s Reflection

What activities did you do?

Incredible Edible

What skills or qualities did you develop during this service? (See the UWCSEA Profile in ‘A Guide to Service Reflection in the Middle School’, pages 5 and 10-11.)

Learning how to plant different types of plants.

What has been the most successful aspect of this service for you?

To learn how to cook, with everyday material that you can find in your own garden.

What has been the most difficult?

Not to over-water plants, and not to spice up the pesto.

What has been your best contribution?

Planting the Soursop tree.

What have you learned about yourself?  

That garden is very fun and enjoyable.

How have you changed?

I used to think that gardening was boring and useless, but now I know that it is fun, and to know that it is useful to have your own garden.”

What have you learned about others?

That it is more fun to do anything when you have company.

If you could start the service again, what would you do differently?

I would contribute more to the weeding, there I tried as best as I could to stay away from it.

How will this experience affect your personal choices, your attitude or your behavior towards others in the future?

It doesn’t really affect my behavior towards others, there I haven’t treated anyone disrespectfully.

What do you think you could do to help support the work of this service in the future? For example, how could you advertise the service or train others to do it?

To ask what more I can do, there I sometimes just talk, and don’t do much work.

Do you have any suggestions for improving the service?

Maybe to do a bit more of the “Edible” part!



Do you have any suggestions for improving the service?