If we cannot conceive of a concept or thing, then do we need a word for it?

Anything that is a belief should have a word for it. Just because we can not conceive of a concept or thing, does not mean that the concept does not exist. As the human race evolves, new discoveries are being made in every field. These new discoveries were inconceivable concepts at some point, yet once it is understood, they have a name and a certain identity. For example, the internet, a fairly new discovery has a name for it. There was a time when the thought of doing research in under a second was an inconceivable thought and seemed impossible. But as it developed and more and more people began to use and understand it, it gained a name and it had a word for it.

Feelings are another good example of this. Things like love or fear are not tangible or seen with the naked eye. Feelings can be expressed. Expressions are acts of passion and I believe that these concepts should have a word for it. If humans are unable to express their feelings, how will they ever have a decent and interesting conversation. Feelings and logic are what set us apart from animals. The power to feel gives us a way to empathise, sympathise and connect with a human being on another level. Feelings and emotions are what drive most of us to do the things we do and allow us to make life changing decisions. Without this inconceivable concept, the world would not be what it is today.

Just because an idea can not be conceived does not mean it can’t be conceived later. Understanding takes time and depriving something of a word because you do not understand it would just stop development and innovation in the modern world.

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