Composition in advertisement

This advert uses composition as a very important tool to represent the message behind this advert and create a sense of primal power which clearly belongs to the men. The ad uses positioning to create primal power, for example, the background is consisting of men and the sky perhaps insinuating the openness and freedom men possess, the middle ground is taken by the headline to boldly present the company and make their name a key focus, and the foreground is where the main image and action of the ad is taking place. The woman is lying in a very sexual position, with her legs slightly spread, her arms behind her head, being held gently by the man that is above her, looking at her in a very appealing way.

The positioning of the men create primal power as the men are above her, implying their higher power in this scenario, and possible symbolism created by them looking down upon her. Additionally, the woman is closest to the camera, so our attention directly goes to her, however, the varying spacing between the men could potentially create additional meanings of how her life is dominated by men from any angle. The camera angle is taken from the woman’s level, allowing the audience to feel most connected to her and understand the overwhelming sense of 4 men above. The framing of the image is also important. The woman’s entire body lies within the frame, creating a sense that she’s trapped in this scenario and unable to escape. However, the man at the top and the man at the left of the frame have the freedom of the space outside the frame, symbolising their freedom. Lastly, the negative space at the top of the frame create a sense of uncertainty and tension, adding overwhelming emotions to the repulsive image and scenario shown.

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