Like a Rolling Stone- Bob Dylan

“Like a rolling stone” derives from the phrase, ‘a rolling stone gathers no moss,’ which refers to an individual who moves around a lot, and therefore, don’t have any set stability in their lives. The literary features including symbolism, figurative language and narrative voice help create a wider meaning of how people often tend to inherit false perceptions of society, exposing themselves to the vulnerability of the existing dangers in society. Dylan creates a theme of how good times don’t always last, and how people can be blind sighted by a faith in the goodness of people and those that receive opportunities may not always be able to survive when living “on the streets.”

Dylan uses symbolism to emphasise his message regarding the uncertainty and unpredictability life offers as we go on. A “rolling stone” is used to demonstrate how the respective girl in the song has no stability in her life and is constantly tumbling down a downhill path, losing everything she has ever had and leaving anything important and real behind her, instead going from place to place without truly developing anything worthwhile almost as if she’s stuck in a downward spiral. It’s like she is tumbling down in her own weight and innocence of witnessing the wrongdoings of the people around her. This is further emphasised by the use of the phrase “juiced in it.” This means to get drunk or high, and essentially Dylan conveys that although she attends all of these finest schools with several opportunities, it’s not necessary that you always receive the maximum benefit or ‘street-smartness.’ In reality, all these finest schools have to offer is a wastage of the opportunities you’re given. 

The most impactful phrase used was “on the jugglers and the clowns when they all did tricks for you.” This phrase describes a sort of will for ignorance as there are several distractions present in the world, and ill-intentioned people who may try to take advantage of you by showing you all these ‘tricks,’ but at the same time, perhaps, stealing from you. The idea Dylan tries to convey is how we are often blind sighted by our will for ignorance and belief in the good/facade of people as Dylan sings, “you never turned around to see the frowns.” This shows how the frowns were there, the true intentions were present, it’s simply how accepting and open we are to seeing the reality.

In conclusion, “like a rolling stone,” highlights the unawareness people have towards the ill-intentions of others in the world and how oblivious they can be of their surroundings, and Dylan warns them to be cautious.

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