Exit Ticket – EE DAY

write digital portfolio / blog reflection:

One thing I’ve learned:

How to access online resources more efficiently, and the different places I can go to do this. I’ve also become more aware of the structure of the psych EE mark scheme, and what the criteria entails.

What I’m proud of:

I made 1013 words! I’m also happy with the extra research I’ve done (some sources have been added to my plan). I’ve also made use of past EE’s that I’ve found in the UWC library that have directed me to some useful studies.

What I’ll be doing next:

I’m thinking of changing one of my therapies (ABA compared to xx), because the more I research, the more I find music therapy to have more studies to work with. I think this might make writing in the future easier. I also have to meet with my supervisor to go through what I’ve written so far, to make adjustments where necessary.

Indian Dance Notes

One of 8 classical Indian dance forms:

  • Bharata Natyam; Kathak; Kathakali; Kuchipudi; Manipuri; Mohiniyattam; Odissi; Sattriya
  • Different regions of India have different dance styles (Kathak is from the North)
  • Your Guru is your mirror
  • Facial expressions are very important and often exaggerated (mostly joyous, but it depends on the narrative of the dance)
  • Symmetry is a key feature: movement performed on right and left of the body for balance
  • Generally, it’s very precise
  • Sometimes a dancer will directly interpret every word of a song, other times it’s more abstract
  • Sometimes, dancers wear bells (this limits your legs to staying low, bells can weigh 5kg on each foot)
  • All dance classes are started and ended with a greeting:
    • addressing the ground, a higher power, family and friends, the audience


  • hand gestures are called HASTAS, each has a meaning
  • Complex stamping and tapping of the feet
  • focus is mostly on the hands (position of eyes is important)
  • percussive feet
  • Stamping with a flat foot (the arch of your foot makes contact with the floor too, unlike ballet)
  • co-ordination is key (facing, eyes, arms, fingers, feet all have to be consciously controlled)


  • generally low levels (a lower centre of gravity allows your feet to move faster)