Joshua Johnson

Student Portfolio


Myers Briggs Test – My Personality

A time when my personality has shown through in my life I think one example where my personality has been apparent in my everyday life is recently when I went on a trip with my family to Japan. Like most… Continue Reading →

My Reading Log

This post contains a link to a complete list of all the texts that I have read in SL Literature, starting from the beginning of grade 11. My Reading Log   

Emotional Intelligence – Changing my thinking

Throughout the past few weeks of PSE, I think that one of my biggest takeaways was the information about stress. Previously I had known that though stress was generally negative, it did provide some useful aspects and was viewed as… Continue Reading →

1 – Activity: LO2

So far this year, I have been lucky enough to be chosen to play in the school varsity volleyball team. Having played in the team last year, I was much more comfortable the environment and wanted to take much more… Continue Reading →

Knowledge and Certainty

How we “know” and with what “certainty” differs across areas of knowledge. Explain giving examples. (300 words, 2 examples of AOKs).   Drawing upon my own experiences, two areas of knowledge which require certainty in their ways of knowing would… Continue Reading →

Fun Home – Drawing a panel

In today’s class, we look in-depth on the illustrations within the book “Fun Home”.  We were tasked with recreating a panel from the book. This is what I came up with. Evidently, I am no artist, however, in drawing this… Continue Reading →


What would you trust more, in seeking to learn about a person: their biography or their memoir/autobiography?   Ultimately, when considering this question, people often consider the individual who is writing or being written about. Of course, somebody with a… Continue Reading →

First English Portfolio Post

  What are your course goals/aims/hopes?    During this course, my main goal and aspiration is to focus on bettering myself. Of course, achieving good grades is always important, however, I feel like developing myself by improving my own habits… Continue Reading →

ADH Essay-Reflection

The following are two things about my essay writing that I am proud of: Consistently having correct formatting – Point, Evidence, Explanation, Effect, Analysis. Properly embedding quotes into my essay. Through practice, I’ve learnt that I’m really good at identifying dramatic… Continue Reading →

Henrik Ibsen – 19th Century Norway

Norway in the 19th Century Personally, I strongly believe that in Norway during the 19th century, the most important facts are of social norms/expectations, the economic boom, and the upper middle class.  The economic boom happened due to Norway’s involvement… Continue Reading →

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