
Jake “The Rock” Johnson

Who loves family, sport and relaxing.
Who hates horror movies and the feeling of not winning.
Who wants to feel respected and loved.
Who can’t forget the first time going overseas, the feeling of eating hot chips by Leichardt pool in summer.
Who tries to see the good in everything and everyone.
Who is always looking towards the future, yet can often struggle to see what is happening in the present.


My view on the world:

The way that I try to see the world is a very positive way of seeing things. I always try to see the good in everything and everyone as I stated in my poem. I look at the world with a “visor” on, that blocks out the bad and only sees the good. The motto that I was told since I was young was always that “it’s better now than never.” This showed me that if there is any doubt about something, I should always go for it because if not then when? I think that these 2 beliefs are connected and go hand in hand. If I always see the good in the world and always try my best to go for everything I can then I think it will actually allow me to make a difference in the world. However I think that sometimes I try to look too far ahead into the future that it stops me from realising what is really happening right now.

How I want the world to see me:

I think that my view on the world should affect how the world views me in a positive way. I want to have the ability to make a difference and I want the people surrounding me to recognise that. As I stated in my poem, I want to feel respected and loved, however I think that the way of obtaining this respect and love has to be through doing something. In short I believe love and respect should be earned and not just gived.

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