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PSE Career Strengths

As of right now, I want to enter the field of computer science in the future. I believe that I have some of the skills and interests that one would look for in a computer programmer.

One of these strengths would be that I have a positive attitude towards a lot of things and don’t get easily agitated when I come across a challenge. In computer science, there comes a lot of times when one is faced with problems such as if your code isn’t working or there are multiple errors. I think that if faced with such a situation, I would not give up easily and instead try and figure out the solution to it. Another strength that I think is good is that I have good time management and a good work ethic. I have the ability to estimate the amount of time needed to complete a task and then actually delivering on it on time. Finally, I think that I can work well in groups and am a good team player and a lot of times programmers have to work in groups in order to produce a good final product which I personally believe that I would be good at.

Overall, I genuinely like learning the theories behind computer science and then applying it and so I think with all the qualities that I have, I would be able to go into such a field.

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