Posted in CAS, CAS - Service

Service Executive Reflection #3

Link to my Audio

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Posted in CAS

CAS Intermediate Portfolio

The past couple of months of CAS have certainly not been what I had envisioned them to be. As a result of COVID – 19, a lot of changes that I had not anticipated had occurred but what surprised me, even more, was how we were still able to accomplish our main goals in the midst of all this ‘chaos’.

One of the activities that was most impacted by this situation, in my opinion, was Tennis. The start of the season was one that was quite good where I was just appointed the captain. However, due the Singapore weather and the lack of indoor courts a lot of our games got canceled constantly. Things started to look better when the rain started to reduce but as luck has it, I had to stop playing for a month or so due to a heart condition. Not wanting to give up, I would still try and do some light exercises to try and keep fit in the hopes that I could play when we went back. Unfortunately, as soon as I was able to go back to the courts, the virus came along and closed them all down. This huge rollercoaster of events really taught me to be resilient and not give up even though it seemed as if all odds were against us. Although we were not able to play the sport, we still would train together in the beginning and that really helped me to know that it wasn’t only me going through this but all of us in this together.

Choreographing Kahaani would be something I consider the highlight of this term and it taught me so many skills. I learned how to be a leader, how to learn to listen to people’s suggestions, and how to calmly handle a situation where one of our dancers quit last minute. The experience itself was thrilling and I am so glad I auditioned to get the role.

Having just handed over my HS Engineering club for girls over to the next set of leaders, I felt quite proud that the club I founded was going to live on. Leading a club, in general, taught me how to be organized, how to make effective sessions, and how to be more confident. I would consider leading this club to be a huge factor that has contributed to my self-confidence increasing. Leading an engineering club specifically surprisingly taught me how I don’t want to go into engineering but into computer science. It was an odd realization that I had not expected as I had thought that I was pretty clear as to what I wanted to do. Planning and leading the “computer engineering” sessions actually made me realize how much I preferred the CS side of things rather than the engineering side.