What Lockdown is Teaching Me

Currently, a global pandemic COVID-19 has affected been affecting many individuals both directly and indirectly. There are many ways that we could view this pandemic, but in my opinion, I believe that having an optimistic approach towards this situation is crucial during this period of time. It is obvious that there are many negative consequences due to this pandemic, such as increased death rates and racism towards certain ethnic groups. However, due to this lockdown, it has not only given me more time to reflect back on my “normal” day-to-day life before this pandemic but also time to prioritize things that I didn’t value as much before.

Waking up at seven in the morning, getting dressed, and sitting in front of my laptop to log onto my online classes every day can be very tiring, not only mentally but physically as well. Through this new home-based learning system, I have realized the importance of face-to-face communication and the significance my friends have towards my emotional well-being. I tend to miss the smallest things that I was able to do before such as coming to school and laughing with my friends before classes, working on projects together in person, and even just sitting down to have lunch while having the most random conversations. Therefore, i’ve been skyping my friends more often in order to talk, watch neflix party, and even play online games.

I used to take my “normal” daily routine for granted, however, due to this pandemic, I have been able to learn an important lesson on spending time with my family in order to build stronger relationships. Usually, going to school, and coming back home to finish my homework, or even by socializing with my friends, consequently resulted in less family time. Now that I am at home all day, I’ve been spending more time with my family and realized how important it is to build stronger relationships with my parents and siblings by opening up about the smallest things.

Overall, although there may be mixed views towards this lockdown, however, I believe this is a great opportunity for everyone to take time to themselves by going out for a walk( of course with a mask on), spending more time with your family, skyping friends and making yourself feel better during this usual time.

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