Crest Project Reflection

I’ve chosen to do a project based on “How has technology been used to detect the reasoning that goes behind criminal behaviors?”. My interest in psychology has led me to delve deeper into the scientific aspect of crime and safety. I believe this is a great opportunity for me to expand my knowledge towards modern-day technology and the impacts science has made towards our society, today.

Initially, my plan was to create a report in order to communicate the use of technology towards crime and the reasons behind what influences criminal behavior. However, I can further make this project more engaging by creating a poster and also incorporating a comparison of the reasons behind criminal behavior in the 1900s vs now, potentially comparing how science has allowed humanity to develop their understanding of criminal behavior). Based on my previous experiences, a poster is a much more engaging way to communicate my research through the use of text and visuals.

I do anticipate that with so much information, creating the poster may be difficult. However, through this project, I plan to use credible websites in order to gather relevant information and expand on my scientific knowledge.

1 comment on “Crest Project ReflectionAdd yours →

  1. Making the decisions about which information to include is definitely going to be challenging. Make sure you continue to consider quality sources and which concepts and ideas help you explain your thinking best 🙂

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