Writers Fortnight – Marc Nair

I was taken aback by the type of poetry Marc Nair shared with us. He wrote poems about experiences that he never saw first hand yet he talked about them with such passion as if he went through the struggle himself. Also what I found interesting was how he called his speaking ‘writing against’ which translates to writing about thing that are wrong. At first when I heard this I thought it was kind of sad and pessimistic, but as I thought about this idea more I realised that we focus on all the good that we are doing, ‘I have a nice house and go to a nice school’ but we don’t think ‘look at all that garbage on the side of the school’. And Marc Nair is exploring the idea of writing what is wrong and can be improved not what is right.

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One thought on “Writers Fortnight – Marc Nair

  1. This sounds very interesting and meaningful, when I consider your notes, I find myself agreeing totally. The reality is that everything that attention is paid to is only good things, and wrong acts are rarely mentioned. It sounds like there was a meaningful message that has been passed through through his poetry, however, I think it would be better if you could elaborate more on what is meant by ‘writing against’ and how he is able to write about first hand experiences without going through it himself. It would be easier for the reader to understand and relate if there was more context provided.

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