Writers Fortnight – Mukul Deva

I found it interesting how he was so successful and he dropped out of school. He runs 2 businesses that are in over 25 countries. It shows how sometimes school isn’t the always the best thing and geniuses like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college or school. Also he broke […]

Generation Z

My collage is mainly focused on the technological aspect of our generation. The image of the phone screen and application and also the image on the top left are the most important. They show everything you can do with only your phone, it is a camera, you can watch videos, access maps, you can surf […]

Writers Fortnight – Marc Nair

I was taken aback by the type of poetry Marc Nair shared with us. He wrote poems about experiences that he never saw first hand yet he talked about them with such passion as if he went through the struggle himself. Also what I found interesting was how he called his speaking ‘writing against’ which […]

Writers Fortnight – Human Library

From the human library I learnt a lot about my classmates and it showed me that some people have been trough very difficult things but you don’t know anything about that even though you sit next to them every day. I also learnt that all of the people who shared their stories were really compassionate […]