A Girl in the River

Perspective that challenges my thinking:

Fathers: I did not think that the father was right in saying that she could not marry Qaiser because he was in a lower class and didn’t have enough money, even though Saba loved him and he loved Saba and wanted to marry him. I also did not believe the thinking of murdering someone simply because they want to love who they want. This is an infringement of article 21, the right to marriage and family.

Lawyer, Criminal Investigator, Village Elders: These people all believed that she should simply forgive the father and move on, pressuring Saba to do so. I strongly disagree with that as she was a victim of attempted murder and that cannot go away with a forced apology. Even if she did apologies that still cannot make attempted murder just go away. The fact that people believe that what the father has done is something that can be apologised about and then there would be no implications is highly troubling to me.

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One thought on “A Girl in the River

  1. I like the way you referenced back to the UDHR’s, I liked the way you found similarities between people’s perspectives and found the common pattern between the lawyer, criminal investigator and the village elders. One thing I wish for you to do is to go more in-depth about the perspectives. Overall a really good analysis of these perspectives.

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