Arundhati Roy – How does her opinions affect her reflection in a celebrity profile

Arundhati Roy has strong opinions on many topics. This seems to be reflected in her portrayal in profiles about her. While most celebrity profiles focus more on creating intimacy between the subject and the reader or humanizing them, with Arundhati Roy, references to her political beliefs need to be made. A big part of her personality is being an advocate for her beliefs, which typically create controversy. As this is so central to her personality, it needs to be addressed in the profile. However, in the profiles, the authors try their best to not completely take a side on her beliefs. In the end, these publications want to enhance their brand, sell more copies, etc, and hence they avoid annoying a segment of potential readers. Roy is also in a way the face of India. As she is a well articulate Indian that has won awards in the UK she is relatively known by the viewership of the Guardian. The article highlights her westernization in a way, distancing herself from classic Indian stereotypes that people may hold.

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